Worship Ministry

The Blessed Sacrament is exposed from 8:00 - 8:40 AM on the First Friday of each month. You are most welcome to visit us each morning, Monday-Saturday from 7:45 - 8:45 AM before Morning Mass while the Blessed Sacrament is in the tabernacle.
Please contact the Parish office for more information: info@fatimaparish.ca
Altar Guild
Members of this ministry launder and iron the small linens used at every mass. This time commitment is just 2 weeks per year!
For more information please contact Susan Albert at info@fatimaparish.ca.

Altar Servers - Senior
Adults interested in becoming altar servers are asked to contact the Parish Office. We serve at funerals and other special occasions by request. Training is provided, open to men and women.
For more information please contact Peter Cromwell at 613-829-4295 or info@fatimaparish.ca

Children's Sunday Liturgy
Children aged 4-12 are invited to join us on Sundays during the 11:30 AM Mass. With the help of our volunteer teachers the children learn more about God's love and our Catholic faith through crafts, stories, songs, games and prayers.
No need to register, just come forward when the priest calls the children during Mass. Younger children are welcome if accompanied by a parent or guardian. New volunteers always welcome
For more information please contact Patricia Tolgyesy at info@fatimaparish.ca

Lectors and commentators provide a vital service during liturgical celebrations. Lectors proclaim the Word of God. Commentators greet the congregation and read introductory announcements and general intercessions.
Training is provided for those who have a strong, clear speaking voice.
For more information please contact Michelle Denison at 613-820-4453 or info@fatimaparish.ca
Ministry of Hospitality
We are the Hosts/Hostesses who welcome people as they enter the church, help them find a seat and take up the collection.​
For more information please contact the Debbie Allen at 613-820-4149 or info@fatimaparish.ca

For more information please contact the Parish Office at 613-722-7661 or info@fatimaparish.ca
Altar Servers - Junior
Boys and girls in the parish, fourth grade and older, are invited to participate in the Liturgy, to serve the Lord, and to develop leadership skills
For more information please contact Richard Arrigo at info@fatimaparish.ca

Auxiliary Ministers of Holy Communion
Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest at Mass by distributing the Holy Eucharist to the congregation. Ministers are scheduled based on their individual preferences in terms of mass times and their availability during holiday periods.
Training will be provided to anyone who joins this rewarding ministry. It is a wonderful opportunity to participate in the liturgical celebration, serve the parish and join a team of committed parishioners.
For more information please contact Edna Cromwell at 613-829-4295 or info@fatimaparish.ca

Funeral Team
For more information please contact info@fatimaparish.ca

Liturgical Decorations
The Liturgy Committee assists the Pastor in preparing various parish ministries to participate in the major feast days and liturgical periods. We meet quarterly with the Committee heads of various ministries to address all issues pertaining to worship.
For more information please contact the parish office at info@fatimaparish.ca or 613-722-7661.
Music Ministry
We are blessed to have many choirs at Our Lady of Fatima. Each one offers a different expression of worship and contributes to the liturgical life of the parish. The commitment is one weekly rehearsal plus Sunday Mass. New members are always welcome.
Saturday 4:30 PM Choir & Funeral Choir
Saturday at the 4:30 PM Mass - Traditional, practice is held Wednesday at 5:15 pm.
The Funeral Choir is an important part of our parish funeral liturgy. Their beautiful music provides comfort to bereaved families and friends
For more information please contact Peter Domitrovits at 613-695-3907 or info@fatimaparish.ca
Sunday 8:30 AM/10:00 AM/11:30 AM Choir
Weekly practice for the 8:30/10am
program is Thursday 6:30-8pm. Weekly practice for 11:30 -
Weekly practice for contemporary program follows on Thursday 8-9:30pm.
For more information contact Joanne Parenteau 613-225-8962 or info@fatimaparish.ca