Congratulations on the birth of your little one! When your child is baptized, he or she will become part of the Christian family of brothers and sisters in Christ. We, at Our Lady of Fatima Parish pledge to surround your child with our care and love, and pledge to assist you in helping your child discover the richness of Jesus Christ in whose image we are all made.
At baptism, parents promise to accept the responsibility of training their child in the practice of the faith. Your child’s Christian life begins immediately at Baptism and your child will pattern his or her life according to your example. So as you prepare for the baptism of your child, you will want to reflect on your own relationship to God, your habits, attitudes and practices.
The godparents whom you choose also promise to help you in your duty as Christian parents. You may have one male and/or one female godparent, they must be at least 16 years of age and have received all of the Sacraments of Initiation into the Catholic Church (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist). The godparent cannot be the mother or father of the child to be baptized.
Complete the Baptism Registration Form and send it to info@fatimaparish.ca. Please PRINT clearly or TYPE so that the information on the form is easy to read. Online form is available as an alternative.
At least one parent must be Catholic and provide a copy of their baptismal certificate. You may send it to info@fatimaparish.ca
After we receive the completed Registration Form, you will be contacted to discuss arrangements for your child’s baptism. You will be invited to a Baptism Preparation meeting which must be completed before the baptism.
Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month.
Baptisms are celebrated on the 1st weekend of the month, either after the 4:30pm Saturday Mass and/or after the 11:30am Sunday Mass (except during Advent and Lent).
There is no fee for a baptism. If a family wishes to make a donation to the parish please provide your full address if you require a tax receipt.
Blessings to you and your family at this special time.
“You are sealed by the Holy Spirit in baptism and
marked as Christ’s own forever.”