What is Reconciliation?
The sacrament of Reconciliation is more commonly called Confession, when a baptized Catholic recognizes s/he has offended God and the Church by virtue of evil/sinful action or omission. S/he knows that sin offends God, who deserves our loving response at all times; besides, sin also alienates one from others and in particular hurts the Church Community. By confessing one's sins to a priest, who represents the church, s/he receives God's pardon and absolution. By performing penance of prayer and/or charitable gesture, the penitent expresses sorrow and counts on God's loving mercy to do better. The term reconciliation is a more inclusive term for expressing our reconciliation with God and the Church community. Confession is only one dimension of our need to confess our sins, but we also experience God's forgiveness for the sins and/or offenses that we commit.
While Reconciliation or Confession is not a Sacrament of Initiation into the Church [unlike Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion], children are required by the Church to celebrate First Reconciliation/Confession once they have reached age of reason [around 7 years old]. For Roman Catholic children baptized as infants or toddlers, they are required by Church Law to celebrate First Reconciliation before celebrating First Communion and Confirmation, unless prevented for pastoral reasons. Children are ready when they can understand the sense of sin as a rupture of relationship with Jesus Christ and with one another.
Unbaptized Adults preparing for Sacraments of Initiation do not need to celebrate Reconciliation/Confession, as Baptism is the Fundamental Sacrament of Entry into the Church. For those who are baptized as infants, but have not been connected with the Church, a suitable period of preparation and connection with the Church is required before they are able to celebrate Reconciliation, Confirmation or First Communion.
Confession Times
Monday – Friday 8:30am-9:00am
Saturday 3:45pm-4:30pm