Get Involved
We believe that each one of us is unique and blessed with gifts and talents meant for sharing. It is awe-inspiring to see what happens when people use their passion and talent to serve others.
Make crafts to sell at parish bazaar
bake treats for coffee sunday
sing OR play a musical instrument traditional or contemporary
answer phones, book mass intentions
prepare games for children'S liturgy
Volunteer weekly, or whenever you can
Britannia Woods Food Pantry: bring non-perishable food to Mass. Leave it with one of the hospitality ministers (ushers) or place it in blue bins.
The Shepherds of Good Hope: bring sandwiches on Wednesday morning before 9:30 am.
Annual Pro-Life Baby Shower: make or purchase items to donate.
Sharing Faith
Join the RCIA team to journey with candidates who are interested in becoming Catholic
Becoming a mentor or sponsor.
Pray for us and the work of our ministries.
Visiting People
Bring communion to housebound parishioners in your neighbourhood
Provide comfort and assistance to grieving families.
Volunteer requirements:
Church staff and volunteers are required to complete the appropriate screening forms including a police check and required training.
Everyone must complete a Basic Volunteer Information Form.
You may also be asked to provide references and a police check depending on the classification of your ministry.
Visit the current parish ministries