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Formation Ministry

Adult Faith 

For more information, please contact the parish office at

Parish Library

Operated by volunteers, the library provides an important resource to allow parishioners to grow in their faith and knowledge of God, and to assist families within the parish with the religious education of their children.


We have a great selection of books and DVDs in many categories this mandate, and to assist other ministries. The library also carries materials for children and youth and music CDs.


Volunteers are welcome, and donations to the library are gratefully accepted. 


The library is open following all Sunday morning masses (8:30 am, 10:00 am, and 11:30 am) and is located near the parish office 


For more information please contact Mary Holder at 613-792-1503 or


Click here to find out "What's new in the Library"

Parish Library May 2019_edited.jpg

Sacramental Preparation


Adult Initiation - RCIA

For Adults who would like to be received into the Catholic Church at Our Lady of Fatima, please contact Fr. Bosco Wong, the Pastor at 613-722-7661 x3. 


Adult initiation into the Christian Way of Life for those who are not yet baptized, or those who have been baptized in another Christian Community, and are now seeking to be received into the Catholic Church.


This is a process of discerning about building a relationship with Jesus Christ, who is the foundation of how we live, and witness to God's gratuitous love. Through worship, prayer, faith community-building and service, we grow in deepening our faith through ongoing conversion to a way of life that is at once Gospel-centred. 


Our faith would be supported and nurtured by the witness of one another, so that we can be gradually formed to be disciples of Jesus Christ for life. 

Baptism of Infant/Child

Baptisms take place on the 1st Sunday of each month, except during Lent, in a communal ceremony during Mass. Parents and godparents attend a one-hour preparation/information session beforehand. 


Team members obtain from parents all necessary information for use on the Baptismal Certificate, prepare parents and godparents for the ceremony by walking them through the sequence of the Rite of Baptism as it unfolds during the ceremony, and assist the Presider at the celebration of Baptism


For more information please contact Myla Haack at 613-828-7824 or by contacting the Parish office at

Baptismal Font

Confirmation (Children)

For more information please contact the Parish office at

First Communion (Children)

Children attending a public school will be prepared for the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation by our Parish Sacramental Preparation Team.


Sessions usually run one evening a week from approximately January to April. A parent or guardian is required to attend as well. 


Children are prepared for Reconciliation and Eucharist in grade 2, and for Confirmation in grade 6. Children who are unbaptized or who were baptized in another Christian community (e.g., not in a Catholic Church) will be matched with a mentor family as part of their preparation.


For more information, please contact the Parish office at


Marriage Preparation

Our parish does not currently offer a Marriage Preparation Course. Please refer to the website of the Archdiocese for a list of courses being offered in Ottawa.

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