Mass Times
Mass is livestreamed Saturday at 4:30pm. Watch live or view the recorded Mass on YouTube.
Mass Schedule:
Monday-Friday 9am
Saturday 9am, 4:30pm
Sunday 8:30am, 10am and 11:30am
Adoration and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Tues-Sat 8:00am-8:50am.
Christmas Mass Times
Dec. 24th 9:00 am (regular weekday Mass) 4:30 pm, 7:00 pm, 10:00 pm.
Dec. 25th 10:00 am, 11:30 am.
December 31st 9:00 am (regular weekday Mass), 4:30 pm (New Year's Eve)
Jan. 1st 10:00 a.m. & 11:30 a.m.
CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS PARTY: The Knights of Columbus Children’s Christmas Party will be held
this year on Saturday, December 14 from 10:00 am to 12 noon
We are conducting a survey on youth ministry. Please fill out the survey form and bring it to the office.
CHRISTMAS SHOW Please join us for a Christmas Show Christmas Music: A Joyful Celebration, Sunday, December 8th at 3:00 pm
OUR LADY OF FATIMA IS HIRING an Administrative Assistant two days per week for administrative responsibilities in the office. Please send your resume to Karen Bourgon, Office Manager with cover letter
LIGHT UP FOR CHRIST CEREMONY: will take place right after the 9:00 am Mass on Tuesday, December 3rd. The crèche will be blessed and the lights turned on for the whole Christmas season to signify that JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON.
LATIN CLUB: Learn spoken and written Latin. Sunday from 1pm to 2pm in the Upper Room.